Cheater's Homemade Chicken Broth
Submitted by Terry
Recipe By: Lynne Rosetta Kasper - Lyn Belisle
1/2 cup dry white wine
2 large garlic cloves -- crushed (leave unpeeled if organic)
2 Whole cloves
1 canned tomato
1 bay leaf -- broken
1/2 teaspoon dried basil -- crumbled
3 can (14 ounces each) low-sodium chicken broth
1 med to large onion -- coarse chopped (if organic, trim away root,
but leave skin)
1/2 large stalk celery with leaves -- coarse chopped
1/2 med carrot -- coarse chopped (leave unpeeled if organic)
5 minutes prep time; 30 minutes stove time.
The broth keeps 4 days refrigerated and 6 months frozen. Let's face it, I
can extol the glories of homemade chicken and vegetable broths until Hades
freezes over. In reality, the only people still making their own broth are
me and an 80-year-old woman in Siberia. The can of "low sodium" is
winning. How about meeting me halfway? Take that can, add a few
ingredients and give them 30 minutes on the stove, and you will have a
broth you can build a reputation on. You can prepare this recipe with
either vegetable or chicken broth. Every flavor-boosting trick we know
goes into this recipe. There is garlic, aromatic vegetables and herbs and,
most important of all, the red wine and tomatoes, two umami superstars.
Umami is a chemical component that heightens flavors and makes the whole
greater than the sum of its parts.
Cook to Cook: One of the overlooked bonuses of cooking with organic
vegetables is that you get to use the whole vegetable, peel and all,
without worrying about questionable elements. For instance, an onion's
skin is literally and culinary pure gold. A good example is this broth,
where the organic onion is simply rinsed, the root trimmed away and the
rest put into the pot. That skin turns the broth tawny gold and lends an
edge of flavor. . In a 4-quart pot, combine all the ingredients. Bring
them up to a simmer, partially cover, and cook 30 minutes. Strain the
broth into a bowl or a storage container. Either use it right away,
refrigerate it, or freeze.
Recipe Notes
Makes about 4 cups