Wednesday, December 24, 2008


From: Kyle Baker

Mohegan Succotash

4 ears of fresh sweet corn broken into 2 inch pieces
3-4 cups fresh Lima Beans or 2 10 ounce packages
1 and a half cups water
one quarter cub bacon fat or lard
salt and pepper to taste1 and a half cups wild onion chopped
Gumbo File powder to taste to thicken

1 green and 1 red pepper seeded and diced

Place first 5 ingredients in pot and bring to boil, lower heat simmer 6-10 minutes covered,add wild onion and peppers and file powder, simmer 10 more minutes covered, remove lid, simmer 3-4 minutes more, liquid should reduce by one half cup.

No Group IS PERFECT!!!
But those who care, strive to share their best?

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